EasyMod for Windows Version 1.0 © January 1995 Coded by Captain Apathy for PlayItSoLoudItHz Productions You will find all the information you need by choosing Contents from the Help menu in EasyMod. You can also load the EASYMOD.HLP into the Windows help engine using its File menu if you can't get EasyMod to run. EASYMOD.ZIP Contents: EASYMOD.EXE EASYMOD.HLP EASYMOD.FON BWCC.DLL GUSPLAY.DLL GUSPLAY.TXT README.TXT KEYMAP.TXT To get in touch with Capt. A, use one of the following addresses: 75713.2012@compusrv.com (or ID 75713,2012 on CompuServe) OR M. Ferris 316-820 Laurier Blvd. Brockville, Ontario Canada K6V 6Z2 Happy MODing The Captain